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Judicial Roles

Role of the Judge
  • Ensures that all persons before the court are treated fairly and equally
  • Ensures that the orders of the court are followed
  • Presides over all hearings and trials
  • Sets the terms and conditions of deferred disposition and other sentences
Role of the Prosecutor
  • The attorney for the City and the State
  • The prosecutor is not your attorney
  • You have the right not to speak to the prosecutor. Be aware that if you choose to speak to the prosecutor any statement you make may be used against you at trial
Role of the Court Clerk
  • Administrators of the court
  • Prohibited by law to give any legal advise or interpret the law for you, as they are not attorneys
  • Carry out the orders of the judge and the procedures and policies mandated by the state or other authority
  • May not tell you what they think the judge or prosecutor may do in your case. They can only answer factual questions regarding the information they have